5 Everyday Barriers People with Disabilities Face

Despite progress, people with disabilities still encounter barriers in daily life. Here are some challenges and how we can help remove them:

  1. Physical Barriers: Inaccessible buildings, lack of ramps, and poorly maintained sidewalks limit mobility. Solution: Advocate for universal design and better city planning.

  2. Digital Barriers: Websites and apps that don’t support screen readers or have poor contrast are hard to navigate. Solution: Build and support accessible technology.

  3. Attitudinal Barriers: Stereotypes and biases create exclusion. Solution: Educate yourself and challenge ableism when you see it.

  4. Communication Barriers: Lack of ASL interpreters or closed captions makes vital information inaccessible. Solution: Push for inclusive communication options.

  5. Policy Barriers: Outdated policies can exclude people with disabilities from education or employment. Solution: Advocate for fair laws and policies that promote inclusion.

Together, we can work to remove these barriers and create a world without limits!


Presenting Our First-Ever Valentine’s Day UCP Tee!


Thanks to Chris Pringle!